{{container.volume.cubicFeet}} cubic feet   {{container.volume.quarts}} quarts
{{container.volume.liters}} liters   {{container.volume.cubicMeters}} cubic meters
{{container.volume.cubicFeet}} cubic feet   {{container.volume.quarts}} quarts
{{container.volume.liters}} liters   {{container.volume.cubicMeters}} cubic meters
{{container.volume.cubicFeet}} cubic feet   {{container.volume.quarts}} quarts
{{container.volume.liters}} liters   {{container.volume.cubicMeters}} cubic meters

Add a container to get started!

{{totalCubicFeet}} cubic feet {{totalQuarts}} quarts {{totalCubicYards}} cubic yards

{{totalLiters}} liters {{totalCubicMeters}} cubic meters

Part# Volume Title MSRP
{{part.PartId}} {{part.VolumeCubicFeet}} {{part.VolumeCubicFeet}} {{part.Name}} ${{part.Msrp}}

If you are gardening in soil, it is very important to use the best soil you can. This usually means using something better than what is found in your backyard. Our soil calculator can be used to help you determine how much soil all of your containers will need. Whether you are growing in raised beds, 5 gallon buckets, or pots, our soil calculator has the flexibility to mix and match any combination of round and rectangular containers for you environment. For more information please point your attention towards the Resources section for a wealth of information regarding a variety of related topics such as Indoor Soil Gardening 101 and Growing Media.