Part #{{activeImage.ParentId}}
Botanicare® Cocogro® Loose
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Botanicare® Cocogro® Loose


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HGC117010 - Botanicare CocoGro 2 Yard Super Stack
Upc: 757900702236 20757900702230
Quantity: 2
Volume (cf): 53.778 94.440
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 668.547 1174.101
Weight (lb): 774.000 1548.000
Length (in): 48.000 48.000
Width (in): 44.000 40.000
Height (in): 44.000 85.000
HGC714826 - COCOGRO 1.75CF
Upc: 757900300258 10757900300255
Quantity: 65
Volume (cf): 1.110 78.330
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 13.834 973.813
Weight (lb): 39.580 2572.700
Length (in): 28.000 48.000
Width (in): 16.750 40.000
Height (in): 4.100 70.500
{{replacementPartsListModel.ParentPartId}} - {{replacementPartsListModel.ParentPartName}}

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