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Ideal-Air™ Pro Series Ultra Sonic Humidifier 600 Pint
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Ideal-Air™ Pro Series Ultra Sonic Humidifier 600 Pint


HGC701612 - Ideal-Air Pro Series Ultra Sonic Humidifier 600 Pint
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HGC701612 - Ideal-Air Pro Series Ultra Sonic Humidifier 600 Pint
Upc: 849969022704 20849969022708
Quantity: 6
Volume (cf): 7.875 63.907
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 107.676 690.647
Weight (lb): 72.312 468.872
Length (in): 30.300 48.000
Width (in): 21.200 40.000
Height (in): 23.300 50.000
Product Weight (lb): 0.000
Product Length (in): 18.000
Product Width (in): 31.500
Product Height (in): 24.000
RPP461001 - Ideal Air Ultrasonic 150/300/600 Humidifer Float Valve
Upc: 849969001211 10849969001218 20849969001215
Quantity: 3 84
Volume (cf): 0.018 0.000 0.000
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 0.223 0.846 105.255
Weight (lb): 1.770 3.300 0.000
Length (in): 8.070 9.800 48.000
Width (in): 1.960 6.000 40.000
Height (in): 1.960 2.000 7.620
RPP461003 - Ideal Air Ultrasonic Humidity Sensor and Cable for 150,300 & 600 pint units
Upc: 849969001235 10849969001232 20849969001239
Quantity: 20 560
Volume (cf): 0.005 0.068 0.000
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 0.006 0.846 103.597
Weight (lb): 0.311 4.220 0.000
Length (in): 0.500 9.800 48.000
Width (in): 8.000 6.000 40.000
Height (in): 0.200 2.000 7.500
RPP461004 - Ideal Air Ultrasonic Hum & Pro Series Dehum Humidity Sensor
Upc: 849969001242 10849969001249 20849969001246
Quantity: 2000 24000
Volume (cf): 0.001 0.000 0.000
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 0.002 17.831 317.698
Weight (lb): 0.500 22.000 0.000
Length (in): 1.180 11.800 48.000
Width (in): 0.780 11.800 40.000
Height (in): 0.270 17.800 23.000
RPP461005 - Ideal Air 40 amp relay for Ultrasonic 600 Pint Humidifiers
Upc: 849969001259 10849969001256 20849969001253
Quantity: 40 480
Volume (cf): 0.001 0.000 0.000
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 0.017 9.257 236.201
Weight (lb): 0.638 20.850 0.000
Length (in): 1.970 11.800 48.000
Width (in): 1.080 9.400 40.000
Height (in): 1.090 11.600 17.100
RPP461006 - Ideal Air Ultrasonic Humidifier Main Board
Upc: 849969001266 10849969001263 20849969001260
Quantity: 80 720
Volume (cf): 0.014 0.000 0.000
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 0.173 19.033 338.417
Weight (lb): 0.854 62.100 0.000
Length (in): 6.000 11.800 48.000
Width (in): 4.000 11.800 40.000
Height (in): 1.000 19.000 24.500
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