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Super Sprouter® Seedling Heat Mat
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Super Sprouter® Seedling Heat Mat


HGC726695 - Super Sprouter Seedling Heat Mat 10 in x 21 in (10/Cs)
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HGC726695 - Super Sprouter Seedling Heat Mat 10 in x 21 in (10/Cs)
Upc: 870883008444 10870883008441 20870883008448
Quantity: 10 180
Volume (cf): 0.140 1.667 44.444
Dim Weight (in3/lb): 1.737 20.727 545.612
Weight (lb): 1.360 14.655 350.000
Length (in): 21.000 21.600 48.000
Width (in): 11.500 11.400 40.000
Height (in): 1.000 11.700 39.500
{{replacementPartsListModel.ParentPartId}} - {{replacementPartsListModel.ParentPartName}}

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